Testing a solidity smart contract with Truffle: how to make it to pass all test cases?

I’m trying this smart contract which has functions to set and get a user. I’m also testing it on JavaScript with mocha and chai tools and for all of this I use Truffle. But the thing is that for the test case “should Add New User”, I’m not getting this test case to pass and I realized that when I’m calling this.storageContract.getUser function and storaging its result on user constant, if I print its content I’m not getting the data I stored when calling this.storageContract.setUser, so when I use checkUserData function, it does not pass.

I wonder how can I make this test case to pass, because I can’t find the error for which it currently fails the test. I deployed this smart contract on Remix IDE and it works well, so the problem must be on the test script.

This is Solidity Smart Contract:

contract SupplyChainStorage is SupplyChainStorageOwnable {
    address public lastAccess;

    constructor() {
        authorizedCaller[msg.sender] = 1;
        emit AuthorizedCaller(msg.sender);

    event AuthorizedCaller(address caller);
    event DeAuthorizedCaller(address caller);

    event UserUpdate(address userAddress);
    event UserRoleUpdate(address userAddress);

    modifier onlyAuthCaller() {
        lastAccess = msg.sender;
        require(authorizedCaller[msg.sender] == 1);

    struct User {
        string name;
        string contactNo;
        bool isActive;
        string profileHash;

    mapping(address => User) userDetails;
    mapping(address => string) userRole;

    mapping(address => uint8) authorizedCaller;

    function authorizeCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
        authorizedCaller[_caller] = 1;
        emit AuthorizedCaller(_caller);
        return true;

    function deAuthorizeCaller(address _caller)
        returns (bool)
        authorizedCaller[_caller] = 0;
        emit DeAuthorizedCaller(_caller);
        return true;

    User userData;
    function setUser(
        address _userAddress,
        string memory _name,
        string memory _contactNo,
        string memory _role,
        bool _isActive,
        string memory _profileHash
    ) public onlyAuthCaller returns (bool) {
        userData.name = _name;
        userData.contactNo = _contactNo;
        userData.isActive = _isActive;
        userData.profileHash = _profileHash;

        userDetails[_userAddress] = userData;
        userRole[_userAddress] = _role;

        emit UserUpdate(_userAddress);
        emit UserRoleUpdate(_userAddress);
        return true;

    function getUserRole(address _userAddress)
        returns (string memory)
        return userRole[_userAddress];

    function getUser(address _userAddress)
        returns (
            string memory name,
            string memory contactNo,
            string memory role,
            bool isActive,
            string memory profileHash
        User memory tmpData = userDetails[_userAddress];
        return (

This is JavaScript test:

const SupplyChainStorage = artifacts.require('SupplyChainStorage');

const _name = 'Mat';
const _contactNo = '0979081091';
const _role = 'PROCESSOR';
const _isActive = true;
const _profileHash = 'Qmadp4L61MaQPX5NFfjqaihnY8r7PmogqZL6wvX1HqvL';

contract('SupplyChainStorage', function(accounts){
    const spenderAddress = accounts[0];
    const authorizedCaller = accounts[1];
    const userAddress = accounts[2];

    beforeEach(async() => {
        this.storageContract = await SupplyChainStorage.new({from:spenderAddress, gas: 6000000});

    it('should Authorize', async() => {
        const {logs} = await this.storageContract.authorizeCaller(authorizedCaller,{from: spenderAddress});

        const authorizedCallerEvent = logs.find(e => e.event === 'AuthorizedCaller');
        assert.exists(authorizedCallerEvent, "AuthorizedCaller does not exists");

    it('should DeAuthorize', async() => {
        const {logs} = await this.storageContract.deAuthorizeCaller(authorizedCaller, {from: spenderAddress});

        const deAuthorizeCallerEvent = logs.find(e => e.event === 'DeAuthorizedCaller');
        assert.exists(deAuthorizeCallerEvent, "DeAuthorizedCaller does not exists");

    it('should Add New User', async() => {
        const {logs} = await this.storageContract.setUser(userAddress,_name, _contactNo, _role, _isActive, _profileHash, {from: spenderAddress});

        checkUserExists(logs, function(result){

        const user = await this.storageContract.getUser(userAddress, {from: spenderAddress});
        // console.log(user[0]); it returns undefined value

        checkUserData(user, function(result){

function checkUserExists(logs, callback) {
    const updateUserEvent = logs.find(e => e.event === 'UserUpdate');
    assert.exists(updateUserEvent, "UserUpdate does not exists");

    const updateUserRoleEvent = logs.find(e => e.event === 'UserRoleUpdate');
    assert.exists(updateUserRoleEvent, "UserRoleUpdate does not exists");


function checkUserData(user, callback){
    assert.equal(user[0],_name,"Name checked:");
    assert.equal(user[1],_contactNo,"Contact No checked:");
    assert.equal(user[2],_role,"Role checked:");
    assert.equal(user[3],_isActive,"isActive checked:");
    assert.equal(user[4],_profileHash,"Profile Hash checked:");


This is the log I get when running truffle test --network ganache command:

  2 passing (2s)
  1 failing

  1) Contract: SupplyChainStorage
       should Add New User:
     AssertionError: Name checked:: expected undefined to equal 'Mat'
      at checkUserData (test/SupplyChainStorage.js:66:12)
      at Context.<anonymous> (test/SupplyChainStorage.js:49:9)
      at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)