_app.tsx to have getInitialProps and other custom props too, need proper Typscript type

My _app.tsx files what to be something on these lines

interface CmsAppProps extends AppProps {
  pageData: boolean

const CmsApp: NextPage<CmsAppProps> = ({ Component, pageProps, pageData }) => {
  // ...some component details

CmsApp.getInitialProps = async (context: NextPageContext) => {
   // some data process here
   return {
     pageData: true

Problem here is, typescript is throwing error as: Type '(_ctx: NextPageContext) => Promise<{ pageData: true; }>' is not assignable to type '(context: NextPageContext) => AmcAppProps | Promise<AmcAppProps>'

Looks like it expense me to return data same as what is argument of component props. I cannot return Component and pageProps from getInitialProps.

If I replace type NextPage with React.FC then it obviously doesn’t contain getInitialProps props. Plus doesn’t has relation like what is being sent from getInitialProps also will be passed on to the component.

Is there a correct way to put everything right in typescript?