Getting the “bobot” value of the selected option on a dynamic form using PHP

I’m having a problem getting the selected weight value on a dynamic form I’m creating. Here’s the code for the get_recomendation.php form:

<form action="./get-recomendation-admin.php" method="POST" class="row justify-content-center">
   <?php $kriteria = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM kriteria"); while ($data = $kriteria->fetch_assoc()): ?>
       <div class="col-12 my-4 my-options">
           <label for="kriteria" class="form-label"><?=$data["nama"]?></label>
           <input type="hidden" class="form-control" id="id_kriteria" name="id_kriteria" readonly value="<?php echo $data['id_kriteria']; ?>">
           <input type="hidden" class="form-control" id="nama_kriteria" name="nama_kriteria" readonly value="<?php echo $data['nama']; ?>">
               <select class="form-select" id="bobot_kriteria" required="">
                    <option value="" disabled selected>Pilih Sub Kriteria</option>
                     <?php $t_kriteria = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM tingkat_kriteria"); while ($row = $t_kriteria->fetch_assoc()): ?>
                         <option value="<?=$row["bobot"]?>"><?=$row["nama"]?></option>
                     <?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>

    <div class="d-flex justify-content-center my-5">
         <button class="btn btn-dark mb-3 shadow-button fs-6 px-5 py-3" type="submit">Cari Rekomendasi</button>

I tried to do a var_dump using the following code



string(5) "Harga"
Notice: Undefined index: bobot_kriteria in E:Program Filesxampphtdocsxxxxxxxxget-recomendation-admin.php on line 12

As for the output I want it’s like

Jenis Processor
Kapasitas RAM

For the database I use like this

table tingkat_kriteria

| id    | nama            | bobot |
|:----: |:---------------:|:-----:|
| 1     | Sangat Penting  | 30    |
| 2     | Cukup Penting   | 25    |
| 3     | Cukup           | 20    |
| 4     | Kurang Penting  | 15    |
| 5     | Tidak Penting   | 10    |

and for the criteria table like this

table kriteria

| id    | nama            |
|:----: |:---------------:|
| 2     | Jenis Processor |
| 3     | Kapasitas RAM   |
| 4     | Jumlah Drive    |
| 8     | Harga           |