Multiple directions in mermaid flowchart

The code snippet below creates a flowchart with the three boxes Data, Infrastructure & Modeling, ordered from left to right because of this line of mermaid code: flowchart LR. I would like the first two boxes, Data & Infrastructure to behave like that, but the box Modeling should go below Infrastructure. Is it possible in mermaid to allow for multiple directions?

The final flowchart should look roughly like that:

enter image description here

<script src=""></script>
    mermaid.initialize({ startOnLoad: true });
<div class="mermaid">
  flowchart LR
  subgraph Data
    direction TB
    da1(Data1) --> api(APis)
    da2(Data2) --> api
    da3(Data3) --> api
  subgraph Infrastructure
    direction TB
    pro(Processing) --> db[(Database)]
    db --> api2(API)
    api2 --> p(Python, R, ...)
    db --> app(Web App)
  subgraph Modeling
    direction TB
    mal(Machine Learning)
    mem(Mechanistic Models)
  api --> pro
  p --> Modeling