I keep getting a Typescript error after upgrading eact-chartjs-2 to a newer version. Can’t figure out what the error means

I started getting the following error when passing data to a react-chartjs-2 chart component after upgrading react-chartjs-2. It was all working fine before the upgrade so I’m not sure what exactly is causing this issue.

TS2322: Type '{ labels: string[]; datasets: never[]; } | ((canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) => { labels: string[]; datasets: DataSet[]; })' is not assignable to type 'ChartData<"line", (number | ScatterDataPoint | null)[], string>'.
  Property 'datasets' is missing in type '(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) => { labels: string[]; datasets: DataSet[]; }' but required in type 'ChartData<"line", (number | ScatterDataPoint | null)[], string>'.

I’m passing the data like this:


My dataset type looks like this:

type DataSet = {
    label: string;
    data: number[];
    fill: boolean;
    backgroundColor: CanvasGradient | undefined;
    borderColor: string;
    pointRadius: number[];
    pointBackgroundColor: string;

And my getDataForChart function looks like this:

const getDataForChart = (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) => {
        const dateLabels: string[] = [];
        const datasets: DataSet[] = [];
        const chart = canvas.getContext('2d') as CanvasRenderingContext2D;

        if (scores) {
            for (let i = 0; i < assessments.length; i++) {
                dateLabels.unshift(formatWithLocale(assessments[i].userAssessment.finishedAt, 'MM/dd'));

            for (let scoreIndex = 0; scoreIndex < scores.length; scoreIndex++) {
                const values: number[] = [];
                const pointRadius: number[] = [];
                const currentColorIndex = getColorIndex(scoreIndex);

                const transparentColor = colors[currentColorIndex].split(')')[0].concat(', 0.3)');
                const gradient = chart.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 600);

                gradient.addColorStop(0, transparentColor);
                gradient.addColorStop(0.6, transparentBlackColor);

                for (let assessmentIndex = 0; assessmentIndex < assessments.length; assessmentIndex++) {
                    const currentScore = assessments[assessmentIndex].userAssessment.scores?.find(
                        (score) => score.name === scores[scoreIndex].name

                    if (assessmentIndex === assessments.length - 1) {
                    } else {

                    if (currentScore) {

                if (selectedScore && selectedScore.name !== scores[scoreIndex].name) {

                    label: intl.formatMessage({
                        id: scores[scoreIndex].name,
                        defaultMessage: scores[scoreIndex].name,
                    data: values,
                    fill: true,
                    backgroundColor: gradient,
                    borderColor: colors[currentColorIndex],
                    pointBackgroundColor: colors[currentColorIndex],

        return {
            labels: dateLabels,