I am trying to run a callback function inside a for loop, but I am finding issues in executing the callback function. Seems like the function gets executed after the for loop is completed. For example if for loop has 2 iteration, then the function is executed only after the two for loop iteration is executed. Hence the execution of function is always done after the last iteration of for for loop. I am trying it really hard and have spend almost a day today looking at examples and have finally have used the closures as per the example provided in example in below link but still not getting the accurate result.
Below is the code that I am using :
let promoList = [];
for(i = 0; i< availablePromoCount; i++){
promoObj = {};
promoObj.maxUsesUser = getAvailablePromoResults[i].MaxUsesUser //getAvailablePromoResults is a list coming from another function not shown here
promoObj.promoCode = getAvailablePromoResults[i].PromoCode; // available promo code for this iteration
searchUserUsedPromo(userId, promoList[clsn].promoCode, (error, searchUserUsedPromoResults) => {
if (error) {
return res.status(500).json({
success: 0,
message: "Some other error",
error: error,
cosnole.log("Iteration of function is ", clsn); // always iteration is last iteration and displays same and last iteration of i
console.log("Searched promo code is ", promoList[clsn].promoCode);
timesUsed = searchUserUsedPromoResults.length;
console.log("Times Used", timesUsed);
console.log("Max uses user", promoList[i].maxUsesUser);
if(getAvailablePromoResults.length == count){
return res.status(200).json({
success: 1,
availablePromoList: availablePromoList,