chart.js disable opacity-animation for tooltip

I have a chart, in which I draw some metadata in animation.onComplete:

animation: {
  onComplete: ChartHelper.barChartDrawMetadata(28, 2)

When hovering over the chart, a tooltip with extra information shows. But the opacity of this tooltip is animated, 400ms. (I found this in chart.esm.js).

During the tooltip’s animation, the drawn metadata is removed, and redraws after the tooltip’s animation has completed.

I would like to make the animationDuration of the tooltip 0, so that the metadata redraws immediately when the tooltip shows, and is not gone for 400ms at a time.
How would I go about this, if it is even possible?

I tried many things, like setting plugins.tooltip.animation.duration = 0, or plugins.tooltip.animationDuration = 0, etc.

Now the only way I see is editing the value that is set in chart.esm.js, but I don’t see any way to access/override this value.

animations: {
  numbers: {
    type: 'number',
    properties: ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height', 'caretX', 'caretY'],
  opacity: {
    easing: 'linear',
    duration: 200

Is there any documented way to disable the tooltip animation, or not hide the metadata?