Making an interactive restaurant menu

So i’m working on making a website for this bar, and the owner wants me to create his menu. The thing is, his menu change quite a bit from a week to another. So what i want to do is basically have the menu in a unordered list or a table in the HTML page, but i need to be able to add or delete some of the lines. I was thinking of making it in JavaScript, but here’s my problem :

I know how to change the value of something in html with javascript, but i don’t know how i can, for example, add rows to a table in javascript. If, let’s say, one day the menu have 30 drinks on it, but the next day the owner wants to add a 31st drink on it, the script needs to be able to add a new line to the menu. Same thing goes with removing a drink. Also, i need to make a little interface for the owner to be able to all of that himself, without me needing to go modify the code every few days.

I also thought i could do it with PHP and a mySQL Database, but i’m not really sure if that solution would really be efficient.

Could someone help me figuring out which way of doing this would be the best ?

Thanks a lot