JS filter function multiple conditions

This might be a duplicate but I cant seem to find a stackoverflow question with my exact question. I’m displaying a table of data in the frontend and i’m allowing the user to filter by multiple optional variables. So lets say my data variables are user details in this format:

        firstName = 'bob', 
        middleName = 'bruh', 
        lastName = 'bub'
        firstName = 'sam', 
        middleName = 'marley', 
        lastName = 'jackson'

Now im allowing the users to filter by firstName, middleName and LastName. But they are also allowed to filter using only one variable, or a combination of any of the three.

The naive approach that I am using now is to have 7 if statements that filter the array depending on the user input:


let filterByFirstName = this.firstNameQuery !== null;
let filterByMiddleName = this.middleNameQuery !== null;
let filterByLastName = this.lastNameQuery !== null;

if(filterByFirstName && !filterByMiddleName && !filterByLastName)
//filter the array only by first name 

else if(filterByFirstName && filterByMiddleName && !filterByLastName)
// filter array by first and middle name 


else if(filterByFirstName && filterByMiddleName && filterByLastName) 
//filter array by first, middle and last name. 

So algorithmically its efficient enough, but not so much for the cleanliness of the code as i will be adding more and more variable to filter by.

I have tried creating just one filter statement that will filter depending on the variables supplied but i’m having trouble coding it.

let filterByFirstName = this.firstNameQuery !== null;
let filterByMiddleName = this.middleNameQuery !== null;
let filterByLastName = this.lastNameQuery !== null;

  this.displayArray = this.userArray.filter(
    user =>
      user.firstName === (filterByFirstName ? this.firstNameQuery : 'any String') &&
      user.middleName === (filterByMiddleName ? this.middleNameQuery : 'any String') &&
      user.lastName === (filterByLastName ? this.lastNameQuery : 'any String')

So essentially what i need is a wildcard or the equivalent of any string to put in the filter function, if this is even possible. Thanks in advance 🙂