Javascript: False if statement always evaluates as true

I am writing a simple console based rock paper scissors game as an exercise. However, the following condition always evaluates to true.

if (playerselection === computerselection) {

I have introduced several console.log commands as well as breakpoints to identify whether there’s an issue with scope, or alteration in parameters; this does not seem to be the case. playerselection could be ‘Rock’, while computerselection could be ‘Scissors’ (both verified during debugging) and yet the condition is treated as true and the console outputs “Draw!).
The entire code is seen below:

array = ['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors'];


function computerPlay() {
    computerselection = array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];

function userPlay() {
    playerselection = prompt('Choose: Rock, Paper or Scissors', 'Choose it! NOW!!');

function evaluation(playerselection, computerselection) {
    if (playerselection === computerselection) {

    } else if (
    (playerselection == "rock" && computerselection == "scissors") ||          //All possible victories
    (playerselection == "paper" && computerselection == "rock") || 
    (playerselection == "scissors" && computerselection == "paper")) {
        console.log("You win!");

    } else {
        console.log("You lose)");

What is the causing the first if condition to evaluate as true every time, even if console.log(playerselection === computerselection) evaluates as false during debugging?