Can you create a Typescript type that has exactly one of a set of properties AND is indexable by that set

I have the following types:

type OrBranch = {
   or: Node[]

type AndBranch = {
   and: Node[]

I’d like a type Branch that can be either an OrBranch or an AndBranch. So I first tried:

type Branch = AndBrand | OrBranch

Work great, unless I want to do something like:

let branch: Branch = ...
let andOr = 'and';   // or 'or'

let nodes = branch[andOr]

Then I get that branch isn’t indexable. OK, so I try an indexable type:

type AndOr = 'and' | 'or';
type Branch = Record<AndOr, Node[]>;

But that requires that BOTH and and or exist, so I can’t cast and AndBranch to Branch in this case.


type Branch = Record<AndOr, Node[]> | AndBranch | OrBranch

doesn’t work, for the same reason.

I know there’s a way to require exactly one of and and or (like the answer to Enforce Typescript object has exactly one key from a set). But that type is not indexable.

Is it possible to get both effects?