GoogleMapReact update marker location every few seconds

I have the following main.jsx file in my react app which displays a map. Here I am initially setting the latitude variable of my marker, and then I have a trigger function to change it every five seconds. This works as i have console logged the values each time.

However, it isn’t moving the marker on the map to reflect the new latitude value. Any ideas how i can keep refreshing the marker on the map when the latitude value changes?

const location = {
    lat: 53.41,
    lng: -2.89,

export const ChatPage = () => {
    const { name } = useParams();
    const ws = useRef();
    const MINUTE_MS = 5000;

    //initial latitude/longitude values
    let lat = 53.41;
    let long = -2.89;

    //triggers change latitude every 5 seconds
    useEffect(() => {
        const interval = setInterval(() => {
            lat = lat + 50;
        }, MINUTE_MS);

        return () => clearInterval(interval);
    }, []);

    return (
        <main className='chat-wrapper'>
            <MapSection location={location} zoomLevel={18} markerLat={lat} markerLong={long} />{' '}            

The map section component code is in this file, it gets the markerLat and markerLong and should update the MyNewMarker component:

const Map = ({ location, zoomLevel, markerLat, markerLong }) => (
    <div className='map'>
        <div className='google-map'>
                bootstrapURLKeys={{ key: 'keyid' }}
                <MyNewMarker lat={markerLat} lng={markerLong} text={'A'} />

export default Map;

Below is MyNewMarker component:

export default class MyNewMarker extends Component {
    static propTypes = {
        text: PropTypes.string,
    static defaultProps = {};
    shouldComponentUpdate = shouldPureComponentUpdate;

    render() {
        return (
            <div style={greatPlaceStyle}>
                <img src={image1} alt='image1' />