How to split an array into three arrays in a way they are divided as fairly as possible JavaScript

Here is my array:

const sorted = [
  { pwr: 10 },
  { pwr: 9 },
  { pwr: 9 },
  { pwr: 8 },
  { pwr: 6 },
  { pwr: 6 },
  { pwr: 2 },
  { pwr: 2 },
  { pwr: 1 },

What I want to do is dividing it to three separate arrays in a way the total value of pwr in each array be the closest value to the others arrays.

For example this is not fair division at all:

arr1: [ { pwr: 10 },
      { pwr: 9 },
      { pwr: 9 }]

arr2: [ { pwr: 8 },
      { pwr: 6 },
      { pwr: 6 }]

arr3: [ { pwr: 2 },
      { pwr: 2 },
      { pwr: 1 }]

Since the total value of arr1 is 10+9+9 = 28, while the arr2 is 20 and arr3 is just 5 !

The splitted array should be something like this:

arr1: [ { pwr: 10 },
      { pwr: 6 },
      { pwr: 1 }]

arr2: [ { pwr: 9 },
      { pwr: 6 },
      { pwr: 1 }]

arr3: [ { pwr: 9 },
      { pwr: 8 },
      { pwr: 2 }]

arr1 =17
which is somehow fair.

My suggestion is that picking from the first array (which is sorted by default) like this:

In the first stage, arr1 gets first element (index0) and arr2 gets second elemtns (index1), and arr3 gets 2 element (index 2 and index3):

arr1[{pwr: 10}]
arr2[{pwr: 9}]

Then, from now on each array gets just one element until the sorted element finishes. I mean we get back to arr1 and give it the next item (index4) then arr2 gets (index5) arr3 (index6) again arr1 (index7) and…

Do you guys have any idea to achieve the most fair arrays?
Could you guys provide me with snippets?