I am new to php can you help me solve this example [closed]

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can you help me

The electricity company wants to know to which group the citizens belong, based on their consumption and how much money they should pay at the end of the month.

Because of that the electricity company decided to reach out to you and asked you to write a program that finds which group a specific citizen belongs to.

Here are some information that will help you to decide which group a citizen belongs to:

Citizens groups
Group 1: 1 to 300 Kilowatt/hour, cost = 0.5$ for each Kilo.
Group 2: 300 to 600 Kilowatt/hour, cost = 1$ for each Kilo.``
Group 3: more than 600 Kilowatt/hour, cost = 2$ for each Kilo.
To calculate the cost in one month:
Use a variable called electricityConsumption.`enter code here`
In the variable add a value you want your program to check (this value in this variable is how much Kilowatts have been consumed in a single month).
At the end print to which group the citizen belongs to and how much his/her consumption cost.emphasized text