How to get the shiny input id of current screen focus?

I defined my own rhansontable right-click event.

I have two rhandsontables on screen. Both are wrapped in uiOutput.

Now I right click a table cell “Action A”, and cusslct is assigned a new value.

The question is I want to know the right click from which table on the screen.

Any idea ?

insert_slct_vct_cus <- function(target_table) {
    hot = target_table,
    # allowRowEdit = FALSE,
    # allowColEdit = FALSE,
    customOpts = list(
      schedule_editor_menu = list(
        name = "Select vector",
        callback = htmlwidgets::JS(
          "function(key, options) {
              var val = Math.random();
                {priority: 'event'});