download multiple images as zip file using javascript in angular

I need to download a list of images using javascript in angular as a zip file..
so my website is an shopping website..if we click on a product it will open allthe images related to it.This is same as we have in amazon and flipkart shopping websites.
i had a button and when i click on the button i need to download all the images that are showing when clicked on the respective product.
The problem I am facing is that there are no images in the downloaded file.
here is the html part

<a class=”download” (click) = “download()” >

below is the .ts part and “this.Images” has all the image urls

let count = 0;
const zip = new JSZip();

this.Images.forEach((item) =>{
  this.fileName = this.getfileName(item);
  JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent(item, (err,data)=>{
      throw err;
    zip.folder("images").file(this.fileName,data,{base64: true});

    if(count === this.Images.length){
          fileSaver.saveAs(content, this.fileName);

getfiileName() method is as below

return str.substring(str.lastIndexOf('/')+1);


Note : I dont want to use JSZipUtils in my code