Shopify Javascript $0.00 Price Display

This is my first post on Stack, I am very new to JavaScript and need some assistance in a change I am implementing.

In my Shopify theme I am trying to change the Javascript on variant changes to show any (variant.price) that is 0.00 to be displayed as “POA”. I have done the Liquid to ensure on initial page load the this is the case however JavaScript is overwriting this as a user selects different variants. I think the change can be done in this part of code below, however if there is another section I should be looking at please let me know.

_updatePrice: function(evt) {
            var variant = evt.variant;

            var $priceContainer = $(this.selectors.priceContainer, this.$container);
            var $regularPrice = $(this.selectors.regularPrice, $priceContainer);
            var $salePrice = $(this.selectors.salePrice, $priceContainer);
            var $unitPrice = $(this.selectors.unitPrice, $priceContainer);
            var $totalPrice = $(this.selectors.totalPrice, $priceContainer);
            var $labelSale = $(this.selectors.labelSale, this.$container);
            var $unitPriceBaseUnit = $(

            // Reset product price state

            // Unavailable
            if (!variant) {
                    .attr('aria-hidden', true);

            // On sale
            var quantity = parseInt($('[data-quantity-input]').val());
            if (variant.compare_at_price > variant.price) {
                    theme.Currency.formatMoney(variant.price, theme.moneyFormat)
                $('[data-total-price]').attr('data-price-value', variant.price)
                    theme.Currency.formatMoney(variant.price*quantity, theme.moneyFormat)
                // label Sale
                $labelSale.html('-' + Math.floor(((variant.compare_at_price - variant.price)/variant.compare_at_price)*100) + '%' );
            } else {
                // Regular price
                    theme.Currency.formatMoney(variant.price, theme.moneyFormat)
                $('[data-total-price]').attr('data-price-value', variant.price)
                    theme.Currency.formatMoney(variant.price*quantity, theme.moneyFormat)

            if (checkNeedToConvertCurrency()) {
                Currency.convertAll(window.shop_currency, $('#currencies .active').attr('data-currency'), '', 'money_format');

            // Unit price
            // if (variant.unit_price) {
            //     $unitPrice.html(
            //         theme.Currency.formatMoney(variant.unit_price, theme.moneyFormat)
            //     );
            //     $unitPriceBaseUnit.html(this._getBaseUnit(variant));
            //     $priceContainer.addClass(this.classes.productUnitAvailable);
            // }

Thank you all kindly 🙂