You can see two data tables in the attached photo.
The first data table shows the same data in all three rows. I don’t need the duplicated datas, so I want to remove the duplicated row of datas and make only one row of data. Please tell me what to do. Everyone Please help me.
<script src=""></script>
<v-container class="container-padding">
<v-breadcrumbs class="px-0 pt-0" large>
<span class="breadcrumb-line rounded-pill mr-2"></span>
<v-breadcrumbs-item class="text-h5 mr-5">Timecard</v-breadcrumbs-item>
<span class="breadcrumb-divider rounded-pill mr-5"></span>
<v-breadcrumbs-item class="text-h6">View</v-breadcrumbs-item>
<v-container fluid>
<v-col cols="1">
<v-col cols="2">
<v-layout row wrap justify-space-around>
<v-text-field v-model="calendarVal" label="Date" type="date" value="2022-02-05"></v-text-field>
<v-col cols="1">
<v-btn @click="fetchWorkerTimeCard">enter</v-btn>
<v-data-table v-if="worker_time_card.length > 0" :headers="headers1" :items="worker_time_card"></v-data-table>
<v-data-table v-if="worker_time_card.length > 0" :headers="headers2" :items="worker_time_card"></v-data-table>
export default {
data() {
return {
worker_time_card: [],
calendarVal: null,
headers1: [{
text: 'Start Time',
value: 'start_time'
text: 'End time',
value: 'end_time'
text: 'Rest time',
value: 'rest_time'
text: 'Worked time',
value: 'worked_time'
headers2: [{
text: 'Project id',
value: 'project_id'
text: 'Duration',
value: 'duration'
text: 'Work log',
value: 'work_log'
computed: {
calendarDisp() {
return this.calendarVal
mounted() {
this.calendarVal = this.getDataToday()
methods: {
getDataToday() {
return (new Date().toISOString().substr(0, 10))
submit() {
async fetchWorkerTimeCard() {
try {
this.worker_time_card = []
await this.$axios.$get('/worker_time_card', {
params: {
work_date: this.calendarVal
}).then(data => {
data.time_cards.forEach(card =>
start_time: data.start_time,
end_time: data.end_time,
rest_time: data.rest_time,
worked_time: data.worked_time,
duration: card.duration,
work_log: card.work_log,
project_id: card.project_id,
} catch (error) {
this.worker_time_card = []
This project uses the vuetify framework, and the code below is part of the “v-data-table” component. Perhaps if this part is fixed well, it will be possible to make a data table with only one row, but it may be necessary to fix the Javascript part as well.
Javascript how to filter an array using forEach() inside filter()