I am trying to generate a input value based on 2 earlier input values the user filled in. First is a name, the second one is a date. Now I need to concat and format these 2 values and set them for another input.
This is what I already come up with:
- Event listener for first input: Name
- Format the Name value
- Event listener for second input: Date
- Format the Date value
- Concat these 2 values
- Set the concat value in third input
The code I have so far:
window.onload = function () {
/* event listener for first input: Name */
document.getElementById('input_7_1').addEventListener('change', formatTitle);
/* function to format the name value properly */
function formatTitle(){
document.getElementById('input_7_1').addEventListener("input", function(){
var title = document.getElementById('input_7_1').value;
var formatTitle = title.replace(/s+/g, '');
/* event listener for second input: Date */
document.getElementById('input_7_3').addEventListener('change', formatDate);
/* function to format the date value properly */
function formatDate(){
document.getElementById('input_7_3').addEventListener("input", function(){
var date = document.getElementById('input_7_3').value.replace(///g, '');
var formatDate = date.slice(0, -4);
/* concat both values in a variable */
var studentNummer = formatTitle.concat(formatDate);
/* set value in the third input: Studentnummer */
function generateInput(){
document.getElementById('input_7_9').value = studentNummer;
I am almost there for my feeling. What am I missing here?