How to detect or btter get noticed, if a font ist not only loaded but also ready to use in javascript?

The Problem: the font-loaded fires, when the font is loaded and visible, but still not full calculated?

The mission is to create an hr like element, that spreads a given pattern over a given width of an element. I named it Garnish

The easiest is eg. “+”, put as many “+” into the element (and stretch to fit)

There are more complex patterns like “(—+—)”, but this we do not need here.

All this with decorative fonts.

The logic – at least for on character – is simple. Get the width of one … the rest is clear.

This all makes more sense with decorative Fonts that have special nice looking glyphs.

So I have to wait until the font is loaded and after that I call (again) Garnish.calculate_into(element), as soon I get noticed, that the font was loaded. For this I use the FontFace interface.

All this works – most of the time for most of fonts. But not always.

The point, the problem is, that I get wrong dimensions for the glyph when I call Garnish.calculate_into(element), when call directly after “loaded

If I defer (setTimeout) this call again for up to 3 seconds, all is nice again.

Therefore I think, that loaded is not ready to use.

After I get the loaded info, the font is correct displayed. But the width of the glyph is still wrong!

3secs (or what ever time >2.5 secs) later, I get the correct width.

I try to explain step by step

We assume the pattern “+” will get “∰” after the Font is loaded.

After reloading the page I see “++++++++++” and calc_into says pattern is 5px wide (as expected)

After font loaded I see “∰∰∰∰∰∰∰∰∰∰” and calc_into says pattern is 5px wide (surprise)

If I fire calc_into 3 seconds later I see “∰∰∰∰∰∰” and calc_into says pattern is 12px wide (as expected)

This does – as expected – not happen, if Cache is not disabled.

This belongs to all browsers I can test (ie. no idea about safari).

So I think there is a difference between loaded and “ready”

Is is possible to get this ready state?

I am not searching for workarounds.