float number divided float number expect wrong number

My problem is a wrong result.
I have a function this function has a distance and a time.
The result I want to achieve is calculating running speed.

function runningPace(distance, time) {
  let result = time.replace(":", ".")
  let fl = parseFloat(result)
  let calc = fl / distance
  let num = calc.toFixed(2) + ''
  if(num.length === 1) {
    num = num + '.00'
  let rep = num.replace('.', ':')
  console.log(distance, time, result, fl, calc, rep, num)
  return rep;

console.log(runningPace(5, '25:00'))
console.log(runningPace(4.99, '22:32'))

I wrote such a function. Sorry for the naming, I’ll fix it when I get it fixed.

When I test this code, the output is:

expected ‘4:47’ to equal ‘4:30’

‘4:30’ => four minute thirty second

How can I find a solution? Thanks everyone in advance.