Problem while populating orders and an array of products

hope you are doing well,
I will be gratefull for any help ,
my problem is :
I’m trying to create an e commerce web site using react ,node and mongodb,
I create the order schema wich comport the cmdRef(string), theClient(Id of the user) and an array of Products(with ProductId nd qty) like the code bellow:
Orderchema=new mongoose.Schema({ CmdRef:String, Client:{type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User'}, TotalProducts:[{ProductId:{type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Product'},Quantity:Number}],

and now I’m trying to create the route to get all the Orders

  try {
    const cmd= await  Command.find({}).populate({path: 'Client', select: 'firstName lastName'}).populate({path:'TotalProducts'})
} catch(error)
        return res.status(500).send({message : "error get orders"})


Here I found a problem while populating the products Id in the table
it populates the client Id and returns all informations about the User but fail with the product table this is the full response using PostMan

Have any of you any Idea about how to populate the productId in the TotalProducts table?