How to adjust space between SVG over an SVG path using CSS?

I made a rookie DIY design for a saree. I used the SVG’s to place over another SVG for it. Which works fine, but need to be able to adjust the distance between replicated SVG’s (both vertical and horizontal).

Here’s how it looks now:

enter image description here

In the above picture, I was able to add an SVG(design) over another plain SVG(saree) and the replicates. But how do I manipulate the distance between them using CSS.

Here’s the code in JSFiddle:

.blowse-top-detailed {
    width: 500px;
    height: 300px;
    left: 40%;
    top: 5%;
    position: absolute;

<svg class="saree-top saree" xmlns="" version="1.0" viewBox="0 0 243.000000 439.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
  <g transform="translate(0.000000,439.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" fill="#000000" stroke="none">
    <pattern id="saree_pattern_img" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" width="100%" height="100%">
      <svg id="saree_img" xmlns="" width="200px" height="200px" viewBox="0 0 401.000000 254.000000" style="width: 30px;height: 30px;">
        <g xmlns="" transform="translate(0.000000,254.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" fill="#000000" stroke="none">
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          <path d="M2180 1281 c0 -30 46 -152 112 -296 72 -155 78 -186 49 -243 -28 -55 -26 -98 7 -162 40 -79 64 -93 180 -101 53 -4 116 -11 138 -14 23 -4 44 -3 47 1 3 5 12 61 22 125 15 103 15 120 2 150 -41 94 -112 149 -194 149 -41 0 -58 5 -83 27 -38 31 -160 202 -222 308 -44 76 -58 90 -58 56z" style="fill: rgb(255, 255, 255);"></path>
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          <path d="M1755 1144 c-164 -224 -207 -264 -281 -264 -26 0 -53 -8 -75 -23 -44 -30 -106 -112 -113 -151 -5 -32 25 -231 38 -243 4 -4 60 -6 124 -4 134 3 135 4 203 105 45 67 49 101 19 176 -11 28 -20 61 -20 73 0 12 43 108 96 213 53 105 94 199 93 209 -3 13 -28 -15 -84 -91z" style="fill: rgb(255, 255, 255);"></path>
          <path d="M1904 1239 c-6 -8 -25 -57 -43 -109 -34 -96 -79 -194 -112 -242 -35 -48 -20 -158 21 -158 29 0 77 27 90 49 5 11 10 52 10 92 0 40 12 132 26 205 26 137 29 190 8 163z" style="fill: rgb(255, 255, 255);"></path>
          <path d="M2094 1233 c3 -10 15 -70 27 -133 23 -124 27 -204 15 -261 -8 -34 -5 -40 34 -83 23 -25 48 -46 56 -46 13 0 74 98 74 118 0 6 -11 21 -24 34 -16 14 -46 79 -80 171 -31 82 -63 164 -72 183 -17 35 -39 48 -30 17z" style="fill: rgb(255, 255, 255);"></path>
<svg class="saree-top-detailed saree detailed_indi" xmlns="" version="1.0" viewBox="0 0 121.000000 95.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" style="display: block;">
  <g transform="translate(0.000000,95.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" fill="#000000" stroke="none">
    <rect class="path_saree" x="10" y="10" width="1200px" height="500px" fill="black" stroke="black" style="fill: rgb(25, 36, 112);"></rect>
    <rect class="path_saree_img" x="10" y="10" width="1200px" height="500px" fill="black" stroke="black" style="display: block; fill: url(&quot;#saree_pattern_img&quot;);"></rect>

Any help is greatly appreciated.