Leetcode – how to optimize my solution using sliding window approach for maximum number of vowels in a substring of k length?

I am doing leetcode 1456

I came up with a working solution but got “Time limit exceeded” for one of the tests. I used the sliding window approach and I believe my solution is O(n) (or am I wrong?).

var maxVowels = function(s, k) {
   let left = 0;
   let right = 0;
   let maxVowels = 0;
   let curVowels = 0;
   let vowels = ['a','e','i','o','u'];

   while (right < s.length) {
       let subStringLength = right - left + 1;
       if (vowels.includes(s[right])) curVowels++;
       if (subStringLength === k) {
           maxVowels = Math.max(maxVowels, curVowels);
           if (maxVowels === k) return maxVowels;
           curVowels = 0;
           right = left - 1;
   return maxVowels;

I tried to see if it was because the vowels.includes(s[right]) method was somehow a really slow method but based on what I read that is not the case, especially since my array is only of length 5.

How can I optimize my solution such that it passes the test?