Save checkboxes value to data in Ionic Vue

I have the following code for rendering my checkboxes:

<ion-item v-for="entry in form" :key="entry.val">
    <ion-label class="ion-text-wrap">{{ entry.text }}</ion-label>
        @update:modelValue="entry.isChecked = $event"

Now I have in the data a form object which fills the checkboxes, and also a empty array where I want the values to be stored:

return {

    settings: {
        checkboxes: [],
    form: [
        { val: "valone", text:"Text 1", isChecked: false },
        { val: "valtwo", text:"Text 2", isChecked: false },
        { val: "valthree", text:"Text 3", isChecked: false },
        { val: "valfour", text:"Text 3", isChecked: false },
        { val: "valfive", text:"Text 3", isChecked: false },

But I don’t know how to get the values of the checked checkboxes to the data array. Maybe I should not save in the array. Anyone know how to save these values?