In my code, I am trying to filter elements from a list and I’m trying to filter that element when I write multiple words at once. Right now, I can filter the element if I write the words in their correct order. For example; I can filter 'red book love'
element if I write 'red book'
but I also want to filter it when I write 'red love'
. Here is my code, what should I do to achieve what I want?
<mat-form-field appearance="outline" fxFlex="100" class="w-100-p pr-8">
<input type="text" required matInput [(ngModel)]="product" name="product"
(input)="onProductSearchChange($" [matAutocomplete]="autoProductId">
<button mat-button matSuffix mat-icon-button aria-label="Clear" (click)="product = null" type="button">
<mat-autocomplete autoActiveFirstOption #autoProductId="matAutocomplete"
[displayWith]="displayProduct.bind(this)" (optionSelected)="filterProduct($event.option.value)">
<mat-option *ngFor="let prm of productList" [value]="prm">
{{prm?.StockIntegrationCode +' '+ prm?.ProductName}}
onProductSearchChange(search: string) {
let filterValue = (search as any).toLocaleLowerCase("tr");
if (
this._adminService.products &&
this._adminService.products.length > 0
) {
this.productList = this._adminService.products.filter(
(x) =>
x.StockIntegrationCode.indexOf(filterValue) >= 0 ||
(x.ProductName as any)
.indexOf(filterValue) >= 0
if (!search) {
this.product = null;
this.productList = this._adminService.products;
displayProduct(product: IProduct): string | undefined {
return product
? product.StockIntegrationCode + " - " + product.ProductName
: "";