Updating D3 interactive barchart by removing bars that are already there

Issue: I want to update the bars in my graph so that when the “Dreamworks” button is clicked, it appends new bars and gets rid of the old ones. I know it is an enter(), exit() issue, but I do not know exactly how to implement it.

Context: When my button is clicked, it activates a function that extracts the inner HTML of my button and uses it to filter my data so only observations from a company remain. The code works, but instead of getting rid of old bars, it appends the new bars on top of the old ones. When you look in the console, a new “g” element appears (which contains the new “rects”) every time the button is clicked. I lowered the opacity of the “rects” to show what is going on. I removed all exit() and remove() attempts from my code because nothing was working.

HTML Code:

            <div class= "button-holder">
                <button class= "button button-dreamworks">DreamWorks</button>
                <button class= "button button-disney">Disney</button>
                <button class= "button button-pixar">Pixar</button>
                <div class = "chart chart1"></div>

JS Code:

async function drawBar() {
    // 2. Create Chart Dimensions 
    const width = 600
    let dimensions = {
        height: width*0.6, 
        margin: {
            top: 30,
            right: 10,
            bottom: 50,
            left: 50
    dimensions.boundedWidth = dimensions.width
        -dimensions.margin.right -dimensions.margin.left 
    dimensions.boundedHeight = dimensions.height 
        -dimensions.margin.top -dimensions.margin.left 

// 3. Draw Canvas 
const wrapper = d3.select(".chart1")
    .attr("width", dimensions.width)
    .attr("height", dimensions.height)

// 4. Load Data  
    const raw_data = await d3.csv("./data/all_movie_data.csv")

    const drawBarChart = function(company_name) {
    const dataset = raw_data.filter(function(d){ return  d["company"] == company_name })
    const xAccessor = d => d["name"]
    const yAccessor = d => parseFloat(d.budget) 

let bounds = wrapper
    .attr("class", "bounds")

// 5. Create scales 
const xScale = d3.scaleBand()
const yScale = d3.scaleLinear()
    .range([dimensions.boundedHeight, 0])

// 6. Draw Data

    .attr("x", (d) =>  xScale(xAccessor(d))) 
    .attr("y", (d) => yScale(yAccessor(d)))
    .attr("width",  xScale.bandwidth()) 
    .attr("height", (d) => dimensions.boundedHeight - yScale(yAccessor(d))) 
    .attr("fill", "blue");


//6. Interactions 

const button1 = d3.select(".button-dreamworks")
    .addEventListener("click", onClick1) 

function onClick1() {
    const company = document.querySelector(".button-dreamworks").innerHTML;



You can find a version of my code in this code pen: https://codepen.io/larylc/pen/XWzbQGy

Everything is the same except for the data, which I just made up to show the issue.