I am trying to solve the following leetcode problem of Nim Game.
One simple solution in O(1) is:
var canWinNim = function(n) {
return n%4 !== 0;
But I am also trying to solve it using DP. Below is my code which is incorrect. I believe there is some issue in the else block at the end. Please help.
var canWinNim = function(n, myChance=true, memo={}) {
if(n in memo) return memo[n];
if(n<=3) return true;
if(n===4) return false;
} else {
if(n<=3) return false;
if(n===4) return true;
let a = canWinNim(n-1, !myChance, memo);
let b = canWinNim(n-2, !myChance, memo);
let c = canWinNim(n-3, !myChance, memo);
memo[n] = a||b||c;
return memo[n];
memo[n] = !(a||b||c);
return memo[n];