How do I call RobinHerbots inputmask from sitepage.master and into a childpage with UpdatePanel?

I have tried to make use of RobinHerbots InputMask and inherited the functionality in my ASPX’s masterpage and it works nearly fine. But only on some of my child pages it works fine and shows the inputmask on hover and focus. On other ASPX-pages it does not show the inputmask on hover and focus. I have based my coding on this jsfiddle:

I think that it has something to do with my UpdatePanel which I have used in the childpages where it doesn’t work.

I have googlet a lot without finding the answer until now 🙁

I have have called the RobinHerbots library in this way:

<script type="text/javascript" src="Inputmask-5.x/jquery.js?v="+<%# DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyhhmmss") %> ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Inputmask-5.x/dist/jquery.inputmask.js?v="+<%# DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyhhmmss") %> ></script>

And I have called the alias in this way:

<asp:TextBox ID="txtAddADate" runat="server" Text="" Width="150px" data-inputmask="'alias': 'FreEconomic-datetime'"></asp:TextBox>

And my Javascript in my MasterPage’s SCRIPT section look like this:

var customInputmask = (function () {
var config = {
    extendDefaults: {
        showMaskOnHover: true,
        showMaskOnFocus: true
    extendDefinitions: {},
    extendAliases: {
        'FreEconomic-datetime': {
            alias: "datetime",
            inputFormat: ""
        'FreEconomic-decimal': {
            alias: 'currency',
            prefix: '',
            radixPoint: ',',
            groupSeparator: '.',
            autoGroup: false,
var init = function () {
return {
    init: init

$(document).ready(function () {

So my question is what I have to do for making the inputmask visible on hover and on focus on all my child pages inherited from SitePage.Master? And because of my usage of UpdatePanel – is there something I can do in Javascript/Script-TAG of the MasterPage for activating RobinHerbots inputmask in the childpages where the TextBox is wrapped into an UpdatePanel?

I am very new to javascript – so maybe there is something which for me is new to learn.

Thanks in advance,