How to use th:each to pass a string to JavaScript code embedded in html page

I start by creating a test list with links to an image.
Then I pass it to the model under the name _links

    public String showItem(@PathVariable int id, Model model)
        List<String> imageLinks = new ArrayList<>();
        model.addAttribute("_links", imageLinks);
        return "item/item";

Then, at a certain place in the html code, I draw the number of buttons equal to the number of pictures in the _links list.
I can pass the cycle number to the imgSrc method. But I can’t pass the link string itself. When I try to send it, the page stops displaying normally. Therefore, this line is commented out.

    <div th:each="link, iStat : ${_links}">
        <span id="current_img" th:text="${link}"></span>
        <input type="image" th:src="${link}" alt="miniature" th:onclick="'imgSrc('' + ${iStat.index} + '');'" style="width: 80px; height: 80px; margin: 3px">
   <!-- <input type="image" th:src="${link}" alt="miniature" th:onclick="'imgSrc('' + ${link} + '');'" style="width: 80px; height: 80px; margin: 3px"> -->

And finally the method I’m calling. The last line is commented out but it shows what I want to achieve.
Namely, by clicking on the picture in the list, I want to change the large picture to the new one selected in the loop.

<script language="JavaScript">

            var selectedImage = document.getElementById("current_img");

            var mainImage = document.getElementById("main_product_image");
            var debug = document.getElementById("debug");
            var debug2 = document.getElementById("debug2");
            function imgSrc(link)
                mainImage.src = selectedImage.innerHTML;
                debug.innerHTML = selectedImage.innerHTML;
                debug2.innerHTML = link;
//                mainImage.src = link;


Thanks in advance to all who answer.