Cannot change font color and box width in chart

I would like to change the font color and the box width in my chart but it doesn’t work.
I tried it a lot of way but cant solve it.

Also it must be better solution to edit borderColor, pointRadius, etc. then set it in every label.

Sorry for my stupid question, i am beginner.

Here is my chart component:

import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { Line } from 'vue3-chart-v2'

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'ChanceChart',
  extends: Line,
  props: {
    chartData: {
      type: Object,
      required: true
    chartOptions: {
      type: Object,
      required: false,
  mounted () {
    this.renderChart(this.chartData, this.chartOptions)

And here is my app:

    <div id="chart">
      <ChanceChart :chartData="chartData" />

import ChanceChart from "../components/ChanceChart.vue";

export default {
  components: {

  computed: {
    chartData() {
      return {
        labels:, index) => index + 1),
        datasets: [
            label: "Enemy's Chance",
            borderColor: "#1161ed",
            borderWidth: 2,
            pointRadius: 0,
            color: "#fff",
            data: this.enemysCards,
            defaultFontColor: "#fff",
            label: "My Chance",
            borderColor: "#f87979",
            borderWidth: 2,
            pointRadius: 0,
            data: this.myCardsFilled,
            label: "Enemy's Avarage",
            borderColor: "rgb(238, 255, 0)",
            borderWidth: 2,
            pointRadius: 0,
            data: this.avgArray,
            label: "Enemy's Median",
            borderColor: "rgb(255, 0, 191)",
            borderWidth: 2,
            pointRadius: 0,
            data: this.medianArray,
            label: "Standard Deviation",
            borderColor: "#fff",
            borderWidth: 2,
            pointRadius: 0,
            data: this.upDev,
            label: "Standard Deviation",
            borderColor: "#fff",
            borderWidth: 2,
            pointRadius: 0,
            data: this.downDev,
        options: {
          plugins: {
            legend: {
              labels: {
                boxWidth: 0,
                font: {
                  color: "#fff",

Can anyone help me?