Displaying current value of order (checkbox problem)

I have a problem with my Formik and checkbox. I wanted to display the current value of the order which te checked values would determine. The problem is that when I tried to either call function sumProducts or addChecked inside Formik there:

{(values) => {

it doesn’t work correctly. It seems like it multiplies the original price * 3.
Anyway I wouldn’t like to use sumProducts immedietaly, because at first I wanted to determine whether I unchecked or checked the checkbox. That’s why I created the addChecked function, but when after checking if the value is being checked or unchecked and wanting to call the function sumProducts inside addChecked I have error that I went into infinite loop/renders.

import { Formik,Field,Form,ErrorMessage } from 'formik';
import React, {useState} from 'react';
import {v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
import {connect} from "react-redux";
import {Order} from "../../ducks/orders/OrderInterfaces";
import {addOrder} from "../../ducks/orders/OrderActions";
import {RootStore} from "../../ducks/RootReducer";
import {Product} from "../../ducks/products/ProductsInterfaces";
import {User} from "../../ducks/users/UserInterfaces";

interface OrdersFormProps {
    addOrder: (order: Order) => void,
    products: Product[],
    users: User[]


const ProductsForm = ({addOrder, products, users}: OrdersFormProps) => {

    interface OrdersFormValues {
        id: string,
        client: string,
        checked: Array<string>


    const initialValues: OrdersFormValues = {
        id: uuidv4(),
        client: '',
        checked: [],


    const handleSubmit = (values: OrdersFormValues) => {
      // addOrder(values)
    const [checked,setChecked] = useState<string[]>([])
    const [currentPrice,setCurrentPrice] = useState(0)

    const addChecked = (prod: string) => {
        checked.find(product => product === prod) ? checked.filter(product => product !== prod)
            : setChecked(prev => [...prev,prod])
    const sumProducts = (prod: Array<string>) => {
        const sum = prod.reduce((acc,curr) => {
            const currProduct = products.find(product => product.id === curr)
            if (currProduct) {
                return acc+currProduct.price
            return acc
        }, 0)
        setCurrentPrice(currentPrice => currentPrice+sum)
    return (
                onSubmit={(values, {resetForm}) => {handleSubmit(values); resetForm({values: undefined})}}
                {(values) => {
                    return (
                            <label htmlFor="client">Client:
                                <Field name="client" as="select">
                                    <option disabled value="">(select a client)</option>
                                    {users && users.map(user => (
                                        <option value={user.id} key={user.id}>{user.firstName} {user.lastName}</option>
                                {products && products.map(product =>
                                        <Field type="checkbox" name="checked" value={product.id} key={product.id} /> {product.name}
                            <button type="submit">

            <p>Current price of order: {currentPrice}</p>


const mapStateToProps = (state: RootStore) => {
    return {
        products: state.products.products,
        users: state.users.users


const mapDispatchToProps = {

export default connect(mapStateToProps,mapDispatchToProps)(ProductsForm);