Generate multiple select inputs with v-for

I am desperately trying to generate multiple select inputs for a given JSON from an Backend but I cant make it work. The JSON response I am getting looks smth like this:

    "selectData": [
            "id": "ats_2323680",
            "label": "Follow up",
            "value": "option_id_1"
            "id": "ats_2323701",
            "label": "1st Interview, Client",
            "value": "option_id_1"
    "optionData": {
        "texts": [
            "On hold",
        "values": [

Ive already tried several ways and my last attempt looks like this:


 <div v-for="select in selectData" :key="">
          <p>{{ select.label }}</p>
            @input="(id) => updateSelect(select, id)"


export default {
  data() {
    return {
      selectData: [],
      optionData: {
        values: [],
        texts: [],
  methods: {
    fetchData() {
      const headers = this.authorizationHeader;
        .then((response) => {
          let data =;
          this.selectData = data.selectData;
          this.optionData = data.optionData;
        .catch((error) => console.log(error));
    updateSelect(select, id) {
      select.value = id;
    getOptionById(id) {
      let i = this.optionData.values.findIndex((x) => x === id);
      return this.optionData.texts[i];
  mounted() {

I am also not super happy with the JSON struct I am getting. The reason that the optionTextId is also send is, that the optionTexts will be in different languages.
I am really happy with any advise.