Templating preselected values of Select2

I am using AJAX fetched data in Select2. My code is like below.

      let selectEle = cellEle.children("select").select2({
          ajax: {
            //more code here
          processResults: function (data) {                
            var options = [];
            if (data) {
              $.each(data, function (index, text) {

                var user_data = '<table> 
                    <td>'+ text[2][0]+'</td> 

        options.push({ id: index, text: text[0], text1: text[1], text2: user_data });
            return {
              results: options,
              more: false
        templateSelection: formatState,
        templateResult: resultfucntion,

My formatState function is like below.

function formatState(state) {
        if (!state.id) { return state.text; }
        var output = $(
            '<span class="tooltip" title="'+ state.text2 +'">' + state.text + '</span>'
        return output;

I am fetching preselected values using AJAX and attached with Select2 like below.

            type: 'POST',
            dataType: 'json',
            url: "/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php",
            data: {
              element_id: element_id,
              action: 'get_preselect_values',
          }).then(function (data) {
            var options = [];
            if (data) {
              $.each(data, function (index) {
                options.push(new Option(data[index].text, data[index].id, true, true));

Everything is working fine all above.

How can I template preselected values like above ?