How to arrange an array with objects based on another array?

I have this unsorted array (containing objects)

   toSortArray = [{taskID: 1, "title": "something1", subtasks: {}},
                  {taskID: 5, "title": "something5", subtasks: {}},
                  {taskID: 8, "title": "something8", subtasks: {}}];

and I have this array that is dynamically populated based on the correct positioning of the taskIDs

sortingArray = [8, 1, 5];

What I am trying to do is to sort ‘toSortArray’ with the exact same order as stated in ‘sortingArray’.

I have found a somewhat called solution here stating this:

var arr = ['one','four','two'];
var test = [{
    key: 'one'
  key: 'two'
  key: 'four'

function sortFunction(a,b){
    var indexA = arr.indexOf(a['key']);
    var indexB = arr.indexOf(b['key']);
    if(indexA < indexB) {
        return -1;
    }else if(indexA > indexB) {
        return 1;
        return 0;        

However, it doesn’t work for me. I replaced the placeholders for:

function sortFunction (a,b) {
        var indexA = sortingArray.indexOf(a["taskID"]);
        var indexB = sortingArray.indexOf(b["taskID"]);
        if (indexA < indexB) {
            return -1;
        } else if (indexA > indexB) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 0;

When I debugged (as you can see I am console logging the indexA and indexB). They always return -1, which means no such index is found.

My question is how to get to compare “taskID” value and the sortingArray elements.

Thank you 🙂