Execution Timed Out (12000 ms): How can I optimize JS kata to run faster? [Upside-Down Numbers – Challenge Edition]

    function upsideDown(x, y) {
      const list = ["0", "1", "6", "8", "9"];
      let count = 0;
      for (let i = parseInt(x); i <= parseInt(y); i++) {
        let curr = i.toString().split("");
        let upsideDownCurr = "";
        if (
          !curr.every(function (x) {
            return list.includes(x);
          continue; // Skips if number includes non-upDown num
        for (let j = 0; j < curr.length; j++)
          if (curr[j] === "6") upsideDownCurr = "9" + upsideDownCurr;
          else if (curr[j] === "9") upsideDownCurr = "6" + upsideDownCurr;
          else upsideDownCurr = `${curr[j]}` + upsideDownCurr;
        if (upsideDownCurr === curr.join("")) count++;
      return count;


Your function will receive two strings, each comprised of digits representing a positive integer. These two values will represent the upper and lower bounds of a range.

Your function must return the number of valid upside down numbers within the range of the two input arguments, including both upper and lower bounds.
What is an Upside-Down Number?

An upside down number is an integer that appears the same when rotated 180 degrees, as illustrated below.

This works fine untill
any idea how to optimize the code?