Getting Undefined When Trying to Request Const Data From Reactjs File in my NodeJS Express API

I have a file named check-rates that holds some useStates() that the users will input in order for me to execute and return for them an estimated value for their shipment by using DHL API.

In my nodejs express server, I am trying to access these useStates() with req.body but when I console log the constants I always get them as undefined. I need these values that the user enters so that the API becomes dynamic for each customer/user that uses my website and not fixed values (as I have them now.)

What am I doing wrong?

here is my code:


const [fromCountires,setFromCountries] = useState("");
const [fromCountriesCode,setFromCountriesCode] = useState("");
const [fromCountriesCapital,setFromCountriesCapital] = useState("");
const [fromPostalCode,setFromPostalCode] = useState("");
const [toCountries,setToCountries] = useState("");
const [toCountriesCode,setToCountriesCode] = useState("");
const [toCountriesCapital,setToCountriesCapital] = useState("");
const [weight,setWeight] = useState("");
const [data,setData] = useState(null);

 const getRateEstimate = () => {
        axios.get('http://localhost:3001/api/dhl').then(response => {
        }).catch(e => {

return (
 //example of how i am setting my needed useStates...
<Form.Group controlId="exampleForm.ControlInput1">
   <Form.Label className={'fw-bold'}>Weight</Form.Label>
   <Form.Control type="text" placeholder="" onChange={(e)=> {

  <button className={'btn-orange fw-bold py-2 px-3 px-4 rounded getRateBtn'}
  type={'submit'} onClick={getRateEstimate}> Check

NodeJS Server


app.get('/api/dhl', (req, res) => {

    const accountNum = req.body.accountNum
    const fromCountriesCode = req.body.fromCountriesCode
    const fromCountriesCapital = req.body.fromCountriesCapital
    const toCountriesCode = req.body.toCountriesCode
    const toCountriesCapital = req.body.toCountriesCapital
    const weight = req.body.weight
    const plannedShippingDate =
    const len = "5"
    const width = "5"
    const height = "5"
    const isCustomsDeclarable = 'false'
    const unitOfMeasurement = 'metric'

    console.log(weight)//logs undefined
    console.log(fromCountriesCapital)//logs undefined

    var options = { method: 'POST',
    url: '',
     { 'postman-token': '',
       'cache-control': 'no-cache',
       authorization: 'Basic AUTH',
       'content-type': 'application/json' },
     { customerDetails: 
        { shipperDetails: 
           { postalCode: '19010',
             cityName: 'Dubai',//need this
             countryCode: 'BH',//need this
             addressLine1: '0' },//end Shipper DETAILS
           { postalCode: '76321',
             cityName: 'Riyadh',//need this
             addressLine1: '0',
             countryCode: 'SA' }//end Reciever DETAILS
       accounts: [ { typeCode: 'shipper', number: 'myAccountNumbeer' } ],
       plannedShippingDateAndTime: '2021-08-25T13:00:00GMT+00:00',//need thiss
       unitOfMeasurement: 'metric',
       isCustomsDeclarable: true,
       monetaryAmount: [ { typeCode: 'declaredValue', value: 10, currency: 'BHD' } ],
       requestAllValueAddedServices: false,
       returnStandardProductsOnly: false,
       nextBusinessDay: false,
       packages: [ { weight: 25, dimensions: { length: 5, width: 5, height: 5 } } ] },
    json: true };
  request(options, function (error, response, body) {
    if (error) throw new Error(error);