Remembering text area value after refresh

Hi I’m trying here to remember the value that I put in this text area which is placed in a custom column, currently when I refresh the value disappears and I’m not sure how to do it any suggestions ? This is my temporary code. And I am trying to do this in WordPress in Woo Commerce. But I cannot find the answer I searched on Internet how I can do this but I cannot find anything anybody some suggestions ?


 *                  _   _             _   
 *  __      ___ __ | | | | ___   ___ | |_ 
 *    / / / '_ | |_| |/ _  / _ | __|
 *    V  V /| |_) |  _  | (_) | (_) | |_ 
 *    _/_/ | .__/|_| |_|___/ ___/ __|
 *           |_|                          
 * -------------------------------------------
 * ------- code inspired from Hybrid, --------
 * -- Underscores Theme, Customizer Library --
 * -- (see readme file for copyright info.) --
 * -------------------------------------------
 * :: Theme's main functions file ::::::::::::
 * :: Initialize and setup the theme :::::::::
 * To modify this theme, its a good idea to create a child theme. This way you can easily update
 * the main theme without loosing your changes. To know more about how to create child themes 
 * @see
 * @see
 * Hooks, Actions and Filters are used throughout this theme. You should be able to do most of your
 * customizations without touching the main code. For more information on hooks, actions, and filters
 * @see
 * @package    Hoot Du

 * Run in Debug mode to load unminified CSS and JS, and add other developer data to code.
 * - You can set HOOT_DEBUG to true (default) for loading unminified files (useful for development/debugging)
 * - Or set HOOT_DEBUG to false for loading minified files (for production i.e. live site)
 * NOTE: If you uncomment this line, HOOT_DEBUG value will override any option for minifying
 * files (if available) set via the theme options (customizer) in WordPress Admin
if (!defined('HOOT_DEBUG') && defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG)
    define('HOOT_DEBUG', true);

// Get the template directory and make sure it has a trailing slash.
$hoot_template_dir = trailingslashit(get_template_directory());

// Load the Core Hoot Framework Library files
require_once($hoot_template_dir . 'library/init.php');

// Load up the Theme files
require_once($hoot_template_dir . 'include/hoot-theme.php');

// For displaying in columns.

add_filter('manage_edit-shop_order_columns', 'set_custom_edit_shop_order_columnsex');
function set_custom_edit_shop_order_columnsex($columns)
    $columns['custom_column'] = __('Custom Column', 'your_text_domain');
    return $columns;

add_action('manage_shop_order_posts_custom_column', 'custom_shop_order_columnsex', 10, 2);
function custom_shop_order_columnsex($column)
    global $woocommerce, $post;
    echo '<div class="column_custom_field">';
    switch ($column) {

        case 'custom_column':
                <div class="wrap">
                    <label for="header_scripts">Header Scripts</label>
                    <textarea name="header_scripts" class="large-text"><?php print $column; ?></textarea>
                    <button onClick="window.location.reload();">Update</button>
        return $column;