How can I re-load images in p5.js once they’ve changed since runtime?

I have a python file outputting a .png file to a local directory once a second, and this p5.js Javascript file is being hosted from this directory on a server. My issue is in trying to use the loadImage() function to load this local .png — if I do so, it’ll only refer to the initial value of it, and not its new changed value. Even when using a callback function inside draw(), it is very buggy, and does not change. Here’s the file:

let splot;

//irrelevant classes

function draw() {
  s1plot = loadImage("plot.png", imageLoaded);

function imageLoaded()

The result is a super buggy and unchanging image file that only reflects the image file at the state of loading the site. Upon a refresh, the file is updated. So, how can I write code with loadImage() to load an image at the current moment?

Thanks so much.