Looping a Rock, Paper Scissors game multiple times in Javascript using a function

I am currently working on a simple rock, paper scissor game while using different functions. I want to have the game loop a couple of times, but I get lost in terms of where I add the loop into the function. I’ve seen a few different solutions online, but nothing that fits what I have done so far. Any guidance would be appreciated, thanks!

const computerSelection = computerPlay

function playerSelection() {
    const playerSelection = prompt("Lets play rock, paper, scissors. Which is yours?")

    return playerSelection

function computerPlay() {
    const pieces = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors'];
    const piece = pieces[Math.floor(Math.random() * pieces.length)]
    return piece;

function playRound(playerSelection, computerSelection) {
    // Rock 
    if (playerSelection == 'rock') {
        if (computerSelection == 'scissors') {
            return 'You win! Rock beats Scissors!'
        } else if (computerSelection == 'paper') {
            return 'You lose! Paper beats rock!'
        } else if (computerSelection == 'rock') {
            return 'Its a tie!'

    // Scissors
    if (playerSelection == 'scissors') {
        if (computerSelection == 'rock') {
            return 'You lose! Rock beats scissors!'
        } else if (computerSelection == 'paper') {
            return 'You win! Scissors beats paper!'
        } else if (computerSelection == 'scissors') {
            return 'Its a tie!'

    // Paper
    if (playerSelection == 'paper') {
        if (computerSelection == 'rock') {
            return 'You win! Paper beats rock!'
        } else if (computerSelection == 'scissors') {
            return 'You lose! Scissors beats paper!'
        } else if (computerSelection == 'paper') {
            return 'Its a tie!'

function game(playRound) {
    for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++){
    return playRound

//console.log(playRound(playerSelection(), computerSelection()));