Using zxing Barcode Scanner within a web page and scan multiple barcodes in same page

I’m trying to use the code below to scan multiple barcodes and insert them in the coresponding textboxes. What i want to achieve is to press the scan button in front of the textfield and the scan result to be inserted in the textfield near the scanbutton.
Ex of code that i use ( is ok for the first textfield)

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">
    function zxinglistener(e){
        localStorage["zxingbarcode"] = "";
        if(e.url.split("#")[0] == window.location.href){
        window.removeEventListener("storage", zxinglistener, false);
    if(window.location.hash != ""){
        localStorage["zxingbarcode"] = window.location.hash.substr(1);
        window.location.href="about:blank";//In case self.close is disabled
        window.addEventListener("hashchange", function(e){
            window.removeEventListener("storage", zxinglistener, false);
            var hash = window.location.hash.substr(1);
            if (hash != "") {
                window.location.hash = "";
        }, false);
    function getScan(){
        var href = window.location.href.split("#")[0];
        window.addEventListener("storage", zxinglistener, false);
        zxingWindow ="zxing://scan/?ret=" + encodeURIComponent(href + "#{CODE}"),'_self');


        <script type="text/javascript">
             function processBarcode(b){

        <button onclick="getScan()">get Scan result1</button>
        <input id="result1"  type="text"></input><br>
        <button onclick="getScan()">get Scan result2</button>
        <input id="result2"  type="text"></input><br>
        <button onclick="getScan()">get Scan result3</button>
        <input id="result3"  type="text"></input><br>
