NTLM in CYPress

I want to access a link that is protected with username and password through a windows authentication popup.

I read that this requires an NTLM plugin for CYPRESS. I want to access a form link https://etc.domain.com/dirlisting/notifications and here i want to login

 it('loginpopup', () => {
    cy.ntlm(["https://etc.domain.com/dirlisting/notifications"], "Administrator", "password");

I tried this code but i have error: “Invalid host [https://etc.domain.com/dirlisting/notifications ] in ntlmHosts, must be one of: 1) a hostname or FQDN, wildcards accepted. 2) hostname or FQDN with port, wildcards not accepted (localhost:8080 or www.google.com or *.acme.com are ok, https://www.google.com:443/search is not ok).

I tried also without https

I tried cy.visit('https://username:[email protected]') but isn’t work