Why regex matches when tested but not being captured in String replacement

I am trying to perform the following String replacement via regex.

This is the String.

let originalStr = 'localhost:3000/sample/prospect/card/intl/name?ref=-huNn';

I am replacing the String via following implementation where I am calling 2 different regex replacements on the original string.

// this works 
originalStr = originalStr.replace(`/name`, `/${router.location.query.ref}`); 

// This is the issue. Not replacing. 
// There is an OR in this regex cos I want to replace even if there is no `/card` in the String.
originalStr = originalStr.replace(//prospect/card/|/prospect//, '/prospect/cards/'); 

This is the current updated String.


I was expecting it to be the following:

localhost:3000/sample/prospect/cards/intl/-huNn?ref=-huNn // cards instead of card

When tested via https://regex101.com/, the regex is capturing the value correctly.

But in code. the replacement is not happening. What am I doing wrong with this regex?