sql php. Get id from other table then insert into table. I want to click the button then answer current question

<?php require_once('connection.php');  

if (isset($_POST['Submit']))
    $answ = $_POST['answ'];      
    $email = $_SESSION['email']; 

    $insert = "INSERT INTO answerList (answ,queID,email) SELECT questionList.queID FROM questionList   " ;
    $result = mysqli_query($con, $insert);
    if (!$result) {
        echo "<script>alert('ERROR !!!!! '); location='faq.php';</script>";
    else {
        echo "<script>alert('Successful Post'); location='faq.php'; </script>";


I have 3 table
table 1: users(email, password)
table 2: question(questionID, questionContent, email)
table 3: answer(answerID, answerContent, questionID, email)

how can i connect questionID into table 3?
i already do the login and add question sql . but how can i add the answer to current question with logged email?

a table have question. and each question have answer button