create canvas and msg.content in an outside function (discord.js/nodejs)

this has been bugging me for a while, I’ve created a pipboy like interface to display the condition of the character and built it into a solo functions but now i want to incorporate it into other display cards. The problem is every time i try to take the content out and put them in an external file the “canvas” or “msg” become undefined. This seems like a no brainer to off load to a function but I’m not sure how. i know i also have to pass “paperDollXoffset, paperDollXoffsetShort, paperDollYoffset, paperDollwidth, paperDollwidthShort”, and “paperDollheight” as their configured for the stand alone canvas and would need adjusting on merged canvases.

code follows

        var CanvasW = 625;
        var CanvasH = 500;
        const paperDollXoffset = 0;
        const paperDollXoffsetShort = 187.5;
        const paperDollYoffset = 0;
        const paperDollwidth = 625;
        const paperDollwidthShort = 250;
        const paperDollheight = 500;
        canvas = Canvas.createCanvas(CanvasW, CanvasH);
        context = canvas.getContext('2d');
        background = await Canvas.loadImage('./images/photo-1538370965046-79c0d6907d47.jpg');
        var useShortValuesArms = 0;
        var useShortValuesLegs = 0;
        var useShortValuesBody = 0;
        var useShortValuesHead = 0;
        context.drawImage(background, 0, 0, CanvasW, CanvasH);
        context.strokeStyle = '#0099ff';
        context.strokeRect(0, 0, CanvasW, CanvasH);
        var basePic1URL = '';
        var basePic2URL = '';
        var basePic3URL = '';
        var basePic4URL = '';
        var basePic5URL = '';
        var basePic6URL = '';
        var basePic7URL = '';
        var basePic8URL = '';
        var basePic9URL = '';

        if (msg.content.toLocaleLowerCase().includes('!tail')){
          basePic3URL = '';
          basePic7URL = '';
        };//tail default to cat
        if (msg.content.toLocaleLowerCase().includes('!wing')){
            basePic3URL = '';
            basePic7URL = '';
            basePic8URL = '';
            basePic9URL = '';
        };//wing default to dragon girl
        if (msg.content.toLocaleLowerCase().includes('!noarm')){
            basePic3URL = '';
            basePic7URL = '';
            basePic8URL = '';
            basePic9URL = '';
        }//noarms and wing default to bat
        if (msg.content.toLocaleLowerCase().includes('!noleg')){
          basePic1URL = '';
          basePic2URL = '';
          basePic3URL = '';
          basePic4URL = '';
          basePic7URL = '';
      };//no leg and tail default to mermaid

      //add/get art for (tail, no arm, no leg) Serpent [Torso, tail, head]
      //add/get art for (tail, arm, no leg, wing) Wyrm [Torso, tail, head, arm, wing]
      //add/get art for (tail, no arm, no leg, wing) feathered serpent [Torso, tail, head, wing]
      //add/get art for (no arm, optional tail) undertale/monster kid [Torso, tail, head, legs]
      //add/get art for (no leg, optional tail) arm monster, tail is a full serpent [Torso, tail, head, arm]
      //add/get art for (no leg, no arm, wing, optional tail) arm monster, tail is a full serpent, arms are wings [Torso, tail, head, wing]

      if (basePic1URL == ''){
        useShortValuesArms = 1;
      if ((basePic3URL == '') || (basePic3URL == '')){
        useShortValuesHead = 1;
      if (basePic4URL == ''){
        useShortValuesBody = 1;
      if (basePic5URL == ''){
        useShortValuesLegs = 1;

        var conditionpic1 = await Canvas.loadImage(basePic1URL);
        var conditionpic2 = await Canvas.loadImage(basePic2URL);
        var conditionpic3 = await Canvas.loadImage(basePic3URL);
        var conditionpic4 = await Canvas.loadImage(basePic4URL);
        var conditionpic5 = await Canvas.loadImage(basePic5URL);
        var conditionpic6 = await Canvas.loadImage(basePic6URL);
        var conditionpic7 = await Canvas.loadImage(basePic7URL);
        var conditionpic8 = await Canvas.loadImage(basePic8URL);
        var conditionpic9 = await Canvas.loadImage(basePic9URL);
        var variableX = paperDollXoffset;
        var variableW = paperDollwidth;

        if (!msg.content.toLocaleLowerCase().includes('!noarm')){
          if (useShortValuesArms == 1){
            variableX = paperDollXoffsetShort;
            variableW = paperDollwidthShort;
          context.drawImage(conditionpic1, variableX, paperDollYoffset, variableW, paperDollheight);
          context.drawImage(conditionpic2, variableX, paperDollYoffset, variableW, paperDollheight);
        variableX = paperDollXoffset;
        variableW = paperDollwidth;

        if (useShortValuesHead == 1){
          variableX = paperDollXoffsetShort;
          variableW = paperDollwidthShort;
        context.drawImage(conditionpic3, variableX, paperDollYoffset, variableW, paperDollheight);
        variableX = paperDollXoffset;
        variableW = paperDollwidth;

        if (useShortValuesBody == 1){
          variableX = paperDollXoffsetShort;
          variableW = paperDollwidthShort;
        context.drawImage(conditionpic4, variableX, paperDollYoffset, variableW, paperDollheight);
        variableX = paperDollXoffset;
        variableW = paperDollwidth;

        if (!msg.content.toLocaleLowerCase().includes('!noleg')){
          if (useShortValuesLegs == 1){
            variableX = paperDollXoffsetShort;
            variableW = paperDollwidthShort;
          context.drawImage(conditionpic5, variableX, paperDollYoffset, variableW, paperDollheight);
          context.drawImage(conditionpic6, variableX, paperDollYoffset, variableW, paperDollheight);

        variableX = paperDollXoffset;
        variableW = paperDollwidth;
        if (msg.content.toLocaleLowerCase().includes('!wing')){
          context.drawImage(conditionpic8, variableX, paperDollYoffset, variableW, paperDollheight);
          context.drawImage(conditionpic9, variableX, paperDollYoffset, variableW, paperDollheight);
        if (msg.content.toLocaleLowerCase().includes('!tail')){
          if (useShortValuesHead == 1){
            variableX = paperDollXoffsetShort;
            variableW = paperDollwidthShort;
          context.drawImage(conditionpic7, variableX, paperDollYoffset, variableW, paperDollheight);