Regex: Anything that’s found with “700” should be found with “ddd” right?

I am experiencing an issue that I think is a regex bug. Before I submit to Google (chrome), can you just verify that if I do regex.test with:


it should be true in every case where


is true, correct?

(The source HTML file that I am running this on is too large to post)

  var regex = /ddd/gim;
  var obj = $();
  var elems = $("Section P, section LI, section TD, section H1");
  var num = 0;
  elems.each(function() {
    if (regex.test(this.innerText)) {
      obj = obj.add(this);
  console.log("num: " + num);

when I do this with /700/gim, it is matching text that /ddd/ isn’t