unit test for a function that returns nothing

I want to write a unit test for the loadingTime function. This function converts timeTable (type map) into a result array which consists of 0 and 1. Index 3-5 (03:00 – 05:00), 12-14 (12:00 – 14:00) are 1, the rest is 0. Then the result array is assigned to the rowTable. How to write a unit test for this?

timeTable: Map<number, Array<from: string to: string>>

0:[{from: "03:00", to: 05:00"}, {from: "12:00", to:"14:00"}]
1:[{from: "00:00", to: "23:00"}]
2:[{from: "00:00", to: "23:00"}]
3:[{from: "00:00", to: "23:00"}]
4:[{from: "00:00", to: "23:00"}]
5:[{from: "00:00", to: "23:00"}]
6:[{from: "00:00", to: "23:00"}]


 rowTable: Row[] = [
    { name: this.allDays.monday, items: new Array(24).fill(1), active: true },
    { name: this.allDays.tuesday, items: new Array(24).fill(1), active: true },
    { name: this.allDays.wednesday, items: new Array(24).fill(1), active: true },
    { name: this.allDays.thursday, items: new Array(24).fill(1), active: true },
    { name: this.allDays.friday, items: new Array(24).fill(1), active: true },
    { name: this.allDays.saturday, items: new Array(24).fill(1), active: true },
    { name: this.allDays.sunday, items: new Array(24).fill(1), active: true }


loadingTime(): void {
   if (this.timeTable) {
     let result = [...this.timeTable].reduce((r, [key, value], i) => {
       r[i] = Array(24).fill(0);
       value.forEach(o => {
         let start = getHours(o.from);
         const end = getHours(o.to);
         while (start <= end) {
           r[i][start] = 1;
       return r;
     }, []);
     this.rowTable.forEach((el, i) => {
       el.items = result[i];
       el.active = false;

my attempts, but I don’t know if I’m going in the right direction. Please help

it("should loading Time"), () => {

  const timetableMock = new Map<number, Array<HourScheduleDefinitionModel>>()
      timetableMock.set(0, [{ from: '00:00', to: '23:00' }]);

  component.loadingTime = () => {};

  const onSaveSpy = spyOn(component, "loadingTime")


  expect(onSaveSpy).toEqual([........I don't know what to enter here]);
