Invalid regular expression, Invalid group Javsacript Regex

I have a C# code that check’s for falseNumber on regex basis:

public bool falseNumber(string num)
            num = num.Replace("-", "");
            string re = @"(?x)
            # fail if...
                # repeating numbers
                (d) 1+ $
                # sequential ascending
                (?:0(?=1)|1(?=2)|2(?=3)|3(?=4)|4(?=5)|5(?=6)|6(?=7)|7(?=8)|8(?=9)|9(?=0)){5} d $
                # sequential descending
                (?:0(?=9)|1(?=0)|2(?=1)|3(?=2)|4(?=3)|5(?=4)|6(?=5)|7(?=6)|8(?=7)|9(?=8)){5} d $
            # match any other combinations of 6 digits
            return Regex.IsMatch(num, re);
        catch (Exception y) { return true; }

I need this code to be converted to JS, so I have written:

const falseNumber = (num) =>
  num = num.replaceAll("-", "");
  let re = /(?x)^(?!(d)1+$|(?:0(?=1)|1(?=2)|2(?=3)|3(?=4)|4(?=5)|5(?=6)|6(?=7)|7(?=8)|8(?=9)|9(?=0)){5}d$|(?:0(?=9)|1(?=0)|2(?=1)|3(?=2)|4(?=3)|5(?=4)|6(?=5)|7(?=6)|8(?=7)|9(?=8)){5}d$)d+$/
  return re.test(num);

But that gives me error:

VM46:5 Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression:
/((?x)^(?!(d) 1+
$|(?:0(?=1)|1(?=2)|2(?=3)|3(?=4)|4(?=5)|5(?=6)|6(?=7)|7(?=8)|8(?=9)|9(?=0)){5} d
$|(?:0(?=9)|1(?=0)|2(?=1)|3(?=2)|4(?=3)|5(?=4)|6(?=5)|7(?=6)|8(?=7)|9(?=8)){5} d $)d+$)/: Invalid group
at falseNumber (:5:12)
at :1:1

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Thank you.

const falseNumber = (num) =>
  num = num.replaceAll("-", "");
  let re = /(?x)^(?!(d)1+$|(?:0(?=1)|1(?=2)|2(?=3)|3(?=4)|4(?=5)|5(?=6)|6(?=7)|7(?=8)|8(?=9)|9(?=0)){5}d$|(?:0(?=9)|1(?=0)|2(?=1)|3(?=2)|4(?=3)|5(?=4)|6(?=5)|7(?=6)|8(?=7)|9(?=8)){5}d$)d+$/
  return re.test(num);
