how do I get multiple a tag href links (in form of an array) from inside an iframe (puppeteer)?

Pretty new to coding, which is why this question might be easily answered, but after scanning the internet for 2 days now and still not having a real solution, i thought I’d just ask here.

So, as the title explains, I have an iframe inside a website I want to scrape with an id attribute (we’ll just call it iframeid) and somewhere inside this iframe I have a div container with a class attribute (we’ll call it divclass) that contains – besides other elements – multiple <a> tags. My goal is to get an array in which all the links from those <a> tags are listed, put to date I only achieved the following through researching and a bit of luck:

const elementHandle = await page.waitForSelector('iframe#iframeid');
const frame = await elementHandle.contentFrame();
await frame.waitForSelector('div[class=divclass] a');
var x = 2; //a var to determine which a tag I want
const oneA= await frame.$('div[class=entryLayer] a:nth-child(' + x + ')');
const link = await (await oneA.getProperty('href'))._remoteObject.value;

What it does is it takes a variable and pulls the link of its according <a> tag, but I can’t figure out how to put it in a loop and besides that, the amount of <a> tags varies, which makes the loop for me to code even harder.

Wouldn’t it even be possible to leave out the loop completely? I found similar stackoverflow questions, but one for example only had one <a> tag which seems to change the code completely.

At the end I just want a working piece of code that I as a newbie can understand but is fairly compact at the same time.
Thanks for helping in advance!