How to get the products ID, Impressions and Click from Google Ads using Ads Script?

I am working with Google Ads Scripts. Based on my use case, I need to get the impressions, clicks, and other statistics about the products I have in my Google Ads account.

These product statistics will be analyzed in the script and based on certain criteria a Google Sheet document will be updated. The script goes like, retrieving all products (along with their statistics) from Google Ads account, see if the products impression and clicks meet a category (30 Impression, 1 click = Category “A”, 20 Impressions, 0 Clicks = “Category B”), determines the product category, open Google Sheet hosted on Google Drive and updates the Category column in the Sheet based on product name or id.

Currently, I am facing an issue with retrieving Products and their statistics from Google Ads Account using Ads Script. I used the following code snippets to look for products but found no method or class that would help me achieve my desired results. I can only retrieve the productGroups, AdGroups, and Campaigns but none of them allow me to extract individual products.

    function productGroup(){
      var prodGroupIter = AdsApp.productGroups().get();
      while (prodGroupIter.hasNext()){
        var prodGroup =;
        var children = prodGroup.getCampaign().getName()
        while (children.hasNext()){

    function adGroup() {
      var adGroupIterator = AdsApp.adGroups().get();
      while (adGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
        var adGroup =;
        var products =
        Logger.log("adGroup: ")

    function campaign(){
      var campIter = AdsApp.campaigns().get();
      while (campIter.hasNext()){
        var campaign =;

    function sheet() {
      var sheetURL = "";
      var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(sheetURL);

    function main(){

I then reached out to the Ads Script support team and found out that it is not possible. But they suggested that I can use Shopping Performance Report, Product Partition Report, shopping_performance_view or product_group_view. They are part of AdWord API, and I do not know how to work with them.

So, I am looking for a Google Ads Script that would help me get a list of products (with detailed statistics) from Googe Ads and I am stuck with how to use the above-mentioned AdWord reporting endpoints to do it.

Here is the list of products in my Google Ads Account. They are 107 products along with their statistics.
Screenshot - Google Ads Products

Please, help with at least comments, ideas, and suggestions, I can write code but I am not sure what I am missing on